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Nokia 106 Clone MTK Tested Flash File

Nokia 106 Clone MT6261 100% Tested Flash File.Read this file cm2 mtk and flash this file any other mtk tool like miracle box,avenger box ,other mtk tools and free tools
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Nokia 106 MT6261
Chinese Miracle II  [MTK module] v 1.58
Operation : Read Flash [ v1.58 ]
1. Power Off, Remove the battery
2. Insert USB Data cable.

Wait for the phone...

Phone found! [ 58 ]


Reading Flash Content now ... 

Read Flash now
Read Ok, 4194304 bytes read

Check and collect compile info

File_ Info: NEB30_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.NEB30_NK_YABW_GAME_V1_0_RELEASE.bin
FileVersion : NEB30_Nk_YABW_Game_V1.0_Release
Saved to : C:\InfinityBox\CM2MTK\Read_out\NEB30_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.NEB30_NK_YABW_GAME_V1_0_RELEASE.bin

This File Error Fix
  1. Hanged on logo 
  2. Restart loop
  3. Screen Lock Remove
  1. Laptop/Computer
  2. Data Cable
  3. MTK USB Driver
  4. MTK Flashing Tool
  5. Stock Rom Nokia 106 Clone
How To Flash Nokia 106 Clone MT6261
  1. First Install Mtk USB Driver if install skip this
  2. Download Firmware And Extract Here
  4. Select Flashing Tab Now Click Bin And Select Correct Firmware
  5. Click Flash Button 
  6. Power off Mobile And Reconnect Battery Insert Cable 
  7. Wait until Complete
NotePlease Back up of your device before install or update Flashing File. We are not responsible for any damage caused to your mobile phone. After Flash repair original IMEI with provide mobile company.
Firmware Details 
Brand Name: Nokia
Model Name: Nokia 106 Clone
Cpu Name: MediaTek MTK
Cpu Type: MT6261
File Size: 3.25MB

تعليق واحد

  1. Sir my phone 106 copy J016F_4_PCB01_GSM_MT6260_S00.J016F_4_V1.BIN is your mt 6261 file work for me or if i try will my phone dead??
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